If you love flowers and gardening, please join us! We are just a fun group of flower & nature-loving folks!

Meetings are the 2nd Monday at 7:00 pm, usually at the Derby United Methodist Church in Derby, Ohio.

Affiliated with the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sept. Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Virginia Brokamp, Martha Buller, Sandy Day, Ruth Fields, Melba Fraley, Pat Hanrahan, Barb Hollingshead, Vickie Lamb, Debbie Paige, Debbie Parzych, Pat Sarosi, Theresa Smith, Judy Sparks, Lee Wardell, Ruth Wolery, Linda Wright.
Devotions were read by Judy Sparks who offered a prayer and meditation reminding us to share the bounty of our harvest with others.
Refreshments were prepared by Vickie Lamb and Sandy Day.
Minutes from the July meeting were approved on a motion from Debbie Paige and seconded by Martha Buller.
Treasurer Sandy Day reported a balance of $577.83 and asked for members' dues to be paid by Oct. 1.The report was approved after a motion from Barb Hollingshead and a second by Debbie Parzych.
Old Business: President Pat Hanrahan announced that we finally have our EIN# which is required by the government. Thanks to Ruth Wolery who found the procedure to get it, and Pat who completed the application.
For the fall Region 9 Meeting we are required to bring a seasonal wreath (any size/any season) for the sales table. Ruth Wolery volunteered to make one for our club.
The previous request for program ideas to be sent to Regional Director Karen Middleton was discussed. After reviewing Karen's list of ideas received, we found we had nothing new to offer.
One of our yearly club projects is to donate a garden-related book to a local library. Martha Buller donated 5 new children's books to be given to the Westfall Elementary School Library. She was reimbursed $20 for the books which are to be delivered by Debbie Paige.
New Business: Linda Wright explained research on web site formation for the garden club. Requirements for domain name, etc., total approximately $130 per year. She suggested Facebook as an alternative as it is free. Pat Hanrahan read information from Wilma Beerman about the Circleville Market Web site which also has fees. Debbie Parzych suggested creating a blog as a way to get out information about our club and then considering Facebook if we need it later. President Hanrahan asked for knowledgable volunteers to set up the blog and Debbie Parzych said she could have it ready in a week or two. A motion for the blog creation was made by Melba Fraley, seconded by Sandy Day and approved by members.
As a money raising project, the members decided to register for one booth(with electric outlet) at the Grove City Harvest Market Sat. Oct. 9 for $15.(Additional space would be available at $10 ea.) Sandy Day volunteered to chair the group preparing for the event. The tent will be supplied by Debbie Parzych. Sandy needs volunteers to help with garden-related/seasonal crafts and foods. (All food items must include a list of ingredients.) She also needs workers to put up the booth and work from 9 to 12.
Announcements: German Village Garden Club invites new members. If interested, get details from Pat Hanrahan or Melba Fraley.
The Zoological Park in Cincinnati offers tours for our consideration,
The Derby UMC Prayer Garden clean-up and planting Wed. Sept. 15 at 6:30.
Grove City Arts in the Allley is Sat. and Sun. Sept 18 and 19. Barb Hollingshead asked for more Garden Club brochures to hand out to interested gardeners at the event. Debbie Paige agreed to print them and get them to her.
The slate of new officers was presented and approved by members after a motion by Pat Sarosi and seconded by Barb Hollingshead.
New Officers are: President--Melba Fraley; Vice President--Debbie Parzych; Treasurer--Debbie Paige; Secretary--Vickie Lamb. Installation followed.
The business meeting was adjourned after a motion by Pat Sarosi, seconded by Pat Hanrahan.
Horticulture Tip: Debbie Parzych discussed common houseplant diseases(fungi, gray mold and powdery mildew) and cures (mainly cleanliness, good ventilation, sterilization of soil, or disposal of diseased plant!).
The Program was Making Modern Terrariums by Ruth Wolery. Ruth displayed several creations which demonstrate more modern versions. They may still be made of plastic or glass but shapes vary. They may hold plants but may also contain sculptures, figurines or candles.Choose nursery propagated plants. She also covered planting, watering, the use of gravel, charcoal, moss and planting mix. She stressed the importance of wearing gloves while working with the terrariums because the moss often contains fungi which can negatively affect your skin.
Respectfully submitted, Vickie Lamb, Secretary

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pictures from Sept. Meeting!

Check out your new officers, ready, willing and able to take on the challenge.
From the left:   Your New President, Melba Fraley; Vice-President, Debbie Parzych; Secretary, Vickie Lamb; Treasurer, Deb Paige.

Here's our Past President, Pat Hanrahan, passing the torch to Melba.  Pat did an excellent job as President but she seemed too anxious to step down and hand the gavel to Melba for some strange reason. :)

As mentioned in the first blogpost, Ruth Wolery hit it out of the park with her terrarium presentation.   Here are a few pictures:

The meeting was a lot of fun and can't wait for the next one.   Watch the sidebar (on the right side) for the next meeting information.

Be sure to mark this site as a "favorite" so you can easily come back to it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Welcome Everyone!

Welcome to the brand new blog for the Derby Garden Club of Derby, Ohio.   Did you know there is also a Derby Garden Club in Kansas?   I found them when I was naming this blog; thus the reason for adding 'Ohio' to the name.   Maybe we should contact them and see if they would be interested in being 'sister' clubs?

It was a fun meeting tonight with the installation of our new officers for the next two years.  (Pictures will be coming next post.)

Ruth Wolery did an excellent presentation on new & improved terrariums!   The displays were just beautiful and inspired everyone to 'rethink' terrariums and make some for themselves.

Once the meeting minutes are emailed and pictures from the meeting are received, I will post them on this blog.  Melba and I (Debbie Parzych) will be getting together before our next meeting to write our new program book and we will announce the October meeting program at a later time thru email and this blog.

I'll be changing the look and wording of the blog from time/time as we decide what we want to say and the image we want to project, so don't think what you see now is final.  This is just a start.

Until next time, keep those hands dirty.   (do you think Rebecca Coles will sue me over using that catch-phrase??!!  Hope not!)