Martha Jo surprised us with a pop-quiz on cardinals! How dare she! But it was all in good fun and we even learned a few little tidbits about the beautiful cardinal we didn't know before.
We then proceeded to make fun birdfeeders using all kinds of natural elements: apples, cranberries, pinecones, seed. It became quite messy but everyone had fun.
(I would have taken more pictures but my fingers were covered in peanut butter and bird seed; not a good combination with a digital camera! ha)
Our next meeting is our Founder's Day Celebration. We meet at a nice restaurant or place and enjoy a nice meal together and celebrate the fact that our garden club is 54 years old! A short program will also be presented. (I cannot find my program book to check it for next month but when Vickie emails the meeting minutes, I'll update this blog with more-detailed information.)
Well, hope to see everyone next month! The weather is warming up and will be time to get those flower beds cleaned up soon!