If you love flowers and gardening, please join us! We are just a fun group of flower & nature-loving folks!

Meetings are the 2nd Monday at 7:00 pm, usually at the Derby United Methodist Church in Derby, Ohio.

Affiliated with the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs

Thursday, August 11, 2016


Our August meeting was held at Ardie Black's home on Borror Road and she just happens to live beside the Hosta King himself, Dick Barbee!   Dick and his wife Jeanie grow hundreds of varieties of hosta's, have won numerous awards and have just recently won a "National" award!   We were extremely honored to have Jim there and he was kind enough to share with us tips for growing hosta's.

The most important is, Water!  When first coming up in the spring, they need lots of water, then regular watering and always best to water under the leaves;  Then good to fertilize starting in February with a mixture of 19-19-19 NPK just by throwing with your hands, making sure not to clump it or leave little piles; then again after the plants start coming up, making sure not to get it on their leaves.  Watch for pests in early spring and treat accordingly.

When showing your hosta leaves in a show or other display, put leaf into water-filled bottle and hold it up straight by packing cotton balls against where the stem goes into the bottle or vase.

Delicious refreshments were provided by Ruth Wolery and Freda McPherson, who outdid themselves with homemade chicken salad sandwiches, cole slaw, dips and several varieties of homemade cookies and treats!   No one went away hungry, that is for sure!

Ruth's centerpiece was the talk of the evening, all from her garden;  Beautiful dusty miller combined with hydrangea and hosta buds coming up the center! 

After the meeting, several enjoyed a moonlight garden tour by Ardie but it was too dark to take pictures.  Sorry!  Thanks Ardie for hosting!!   It was a lot of fun!