If you love flowers and gardening, please join us! We are just a fun group of flower & nature-loving folks!

Meetings are the 2nd Monday at 7:00 pm, usually at the Derby United Methodist Church in Derby, Ohio.

Affiliated with the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"Winter is for the Birds" Program

This year, it was our club's turn to sponsor the November Open Meeting.   Our theme was "winter is for the birds" and we meant that literally!   Julie Baldwin of Wild Birds Unlimited gave a fantastic program, all about feeding and enjoying the birds throughout the winter.  

What a great turn out!

Pat Sarosi helps get the delicious food ready!
Notice the little bird feet markings!   So Cute!!

The ladies were lining up to get in!

Lots of great door prizes were given away!
We also learned several birdfeeder craft projects that could also double as gifts.

The entire evening was enjoyed so much by everyone!   I truly think everyone was psyched to get home and start feeding the birds!

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