If you love flowers and gardening, please join us! We are just a fun group of flower & nature-loving folks!

Meetings are the 2nd Monday at 7:00 pm, usually at the Derby United Methodist Church in Derby, Ohio.

Affiliated with the Ohio Association of Garden Clubs

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Pumpkin Pickin' at Lohstroh's!

What a great time we had at Lohstroh Family Farms last Monday night!   Michelle Lohstroh told us all about the history of their farm and showed us all the great varieties of pumpkins and gourds they sell.

A wonderful, big building is a new addition to the farm since our last visit three years ago.

Lots of great displays and areas to shop from; that big long white thing is their caterpillar haybale; kids love to play on it.

Melba and Barb check out the apple and gooseneck gourds.

Great colors in these squash and yes, you can cook with them!

Michelle showing a bumpy variety.

This striped variety is known for the oil obtained from pressing the seeds.

Ruth W. points out some great fall decor and crafts.

Ruth F. picks out a gift for a friend.

Lots of cute, smaller items at the checkout counter, including jewelry!

Items are picked and brought in on wagons to check-out.

Super-cute twins joined together.

These small gourds are called daisy gourds because of, what else, how the top resembles a daisy!  

Cute displays everywhere to give you lots of great decorating ideas.   We had a great time, despite the cold chill in the air and boy, did it get dark fast!   But thanks again, Michelle, for your hospitality, the tour and the knowledge your shared!  We really appreciate it!

Back at the church, we conducted our normal meeting and then installed our new officers for the next two years.

Pat Sarosi was installed as our new Treasurer.

Debby Paige was installed as our new Secretary.

Debbie Parzych was installed as our new President.   (Virginia Brokamp is our new Vice-President but she was unable to make the meeting and will be installed at our meeting in December.)

Our next meeting is our shared Open Meeting with two other nearby clubs.  This years meeting will be hosted by Darby Valley Garden Club.   See sidebar for the details.

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